[:1]So was wondering if any Resto. druids are considering putting points into Grace now before the level cap increases. Since it now works after casting Regrowth. Now I know it will be a mandatory talent at 85 because we need it to reach Moonglow but this is mostly just for the 13 days before Cata hits.
The math for the average haste bonus comes out to 3.75% haste. (.15*15/60=.0375)
Assuming my math is right this may not look like a lot of haste overall but where I really think it makes a difference is it will allow all of us who are already at 1016 haste to not only become haste caped in raid for those 15 seconds, but more importantly we receive a 15th tick on Lifebloom and 5th tick on Regrowth (Credit to Hamlet's TreeCalcs). The talent build I have in mind is this.
The idea behind it is pretty much a Regrowth spam thanks to Malfurion's Gift, and because of this we can hope for a high % uptime of Nature's Grace. All this while still maintaing our mana. Now if mana does become an issue can just move Nature's Majesty points into Furor.
Any thought or am I just a lolfailtree.
Nature's Grace is all right. I'd definitely say you'd be crazy not to take Nature's Cure, though.
For level 80, I'd probably just do something like this:
Mana is not at all an issue right now, so there is no real reason to take Malfurion's Gift. Though spamming Regrowth is not an effective tactic, you're probably not going to run out of mana doing it even without Malfurion's Gift. Stick to Rejuv/WG spam, though.
Because we're not using casted Healing Touch or Nourish at all at 80, the points in the first tier would probably be better spent on Blessing of the Grove than Naturalist. Points in Empowered Touch do interface with Nature's Swiftness, though, so I'd probably still take that instead of Malfurion's Gift.
Level 85 healing is a lot different. You will want all the HT talents and Malfurion's Gift since playing off your Clearcasting buffs will be a big part of maintaining your mana supply. Blessing of the Grove can probably be dropped for 2 points in Genesis for a higher throughput return, or put in Furor/Moonglow if you're having mana problems.
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