Monday, April 16, 2012

Tauren, Troll, NE, Worgen form color charts

Hi everyone,

I've been creating druid colour charts for my Cataclysm guide, but since there seem to be threads popping up daily asking for how to choose Troll colours, I thought I would publish them now.

I have charts for all four races - Tauren, Troll, Night Elf and Worgen, for both cat and bear (my guide will include trees, Moonkin and flight form, but most people at the moment just want to know how to influence their colouring).

The charts are here:

For people new to druids, it works like this:

Tauren: fur colour
Troll: hair colour
Night Elf: hair colour
Worgen: human form hair colour, not fur colour

Note: Night elves and Trolls share the same colouring between males and females; Tauren and Worgen have some slight differences between male and female hair colours, and Tauren also have some differences between cat and bear.

I hope this is helpful for people trying to choose their best feral form combos. :)
Very nice, TY for the charts.

There are other charts out there, but I wanted to do all of the feral forms together. Lots of new druids lately, and a lot of people confused about how the colours work.
Liked for sweet photoshopping magic.
I was cross-eyed by the end of it :P
Nice Work!
The worgen colors are so terrible, ginger hair for white form, wtf is that?

Why don't they have grey hair like humans...

And why not go off the face instead of the hair, they got all the matching faces right down to the eye colors, it looks like thats what it was originally designed for.
Hey, thanks a lot.
This helped me out.
The worgen colors are so terrible, ginger hair for white form, wtf is that?

Why don't they have grey hair like humans...

And why not go off the face instead of the hair, they got all the matching faces right down to the eye colors, it looks like thats what it was originally designed for.

Because this is Blizzard; Sense they do not make.

I'd prefer if they went off Pelt Color, as you can change your Worgen's pelt color at the barbershop, instead of Human Hair Color, as you can't see that when you're getting a haircut, and the shops don't work in Human form.
Keeva, you're amazing and wonderful.
Wow Keeva thank you very much. I was going on the assumption that fur color dictated the worgen forms color.
Excellent job! Well done.
Thanks everyone! :)

I compiled a guide to feral colours (I would have used this thread but I needed more room) -
Liked. It's great to see them all in one place with nice concise charts! I'll be completely ready when I can switch over to Worgen now. :)
Very nice. Thank you!
Thanks - but I've put all of the info into this post:

Plus a bit more on Troll and Worgen coloring - I'm going to ask them to lock this one and if people could Like the new one, that would be great :) I don't want to "bump" it because I don't want to risk a ban for trolling :P

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