Wednesday, April 18, 2012

insect swarm ninja nerf

Was that even necessary? IS's trash now.

IS was actually balance after the first nerf. Prior to the first post patch nerf it was stupidly OP, then it was solid, and now it's BLAH.

Is there any purpose behind this or does the scaling change at 81+?
Is it just me or is my insect swarm ticking for ~50% of what it used to?

Where I used to get ~20k worth of damage from it in total, now I'm getting something like 11-12k.
It's just you. Looking at the log between last week and this week for BQL, the average hits were on par as with the total damage done for IS during the fight.
itt: omg i just read the updated patch 4.0.3 notes on wowhead and it says IS and moonfury were nerfed!!!!!!

guys, this was the hotfix from no more than 3 days after 4.0.1

is isn't doing less damage, mf/sf is doing more damage.
Read the tooltip. mine used to list 19-26k depending on buffs and eclipse, now it doesn't list above 9k.
The tooltip was fixed in 4.0.3, but it had already been adjusted just after 4.0.1 came out. Nothing was ninja nerfed.
The tooltip was fixed in 4.0.3, but it had already been adjusted just after 4.0.1 came out. Nothing was ninja nerfed.

maybe i should also have stated it this simply. i apologize for my outburst -_-
Read the tooltip. mine used to list 19-26k depending on buffs and eclipse, now it doesn't list above 9k.

you are smoking or lying. Given you have 3246 sp and >1k haste, I don't need the tooltip to tell me that your IS does more than 9k over it's duration. I have logs from every week and nothing has changed since the initial 50% hit. Self-buffed, non-eclipse state, I'll do over 30k for an IS duration. Raid buffed even greater. You are not doing 9k.

EDIT: Even in my PvP gear at just over 500 haste and 34% crit, non-eclipse, no haste procs, in caster form (i.e. worst case scenario), I'm doing 15k dmg on a 10 tick insect swarm. Only way you are doing 9k is in PvP gear in caster form outside of an eclipse against a resilience target.
Nothing about IS has changed since 3 days after the 4.0.1 patch. Except the documentation.
Everyone is a super sleuth now. need moar OMGNINJANERF threads

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