From what I'm reading about upcoming class changes, you're planning to remove the immunity to fear effects when feral druids use berserk. Blizzard, berserk doesn't need a nerf.
It's an immunity to fear that lasts 15-20 seconds depending on whether or not you're glyphed, and has a three minute cooldown. If anything, it needs to be buffed because we're immune to fear, but not to horror effects. What is the difference? Not much, but they both send you running and you lose control of your character.
Though I will grant you that our bleeds are insane and since they can't be dispelled, I will agree that they should be nerfed "a little bit", but not a whole lot. But just leave our berserk ability alone.
Idk why they are nerfing berserk the only thing op about feral druids are the dot ticks because of the mastery and how much it stacks with bleeds. I think you guys need the berserk immunity and doesn't seem like a real problem to keep it.
Nerfing Berserk will turn us into an automatic win for warlocks in the arena. It will be Fear and drain life spam ad nauseum. Rogues have Cloak -- we will have nothing after spending our trinket on Death Coil.
And will I be able to send my reforging bill to GC after they nerf bleeds again, making Mastery a worthless stat for us? I'm already used to trying to avoid the Mastery stat on my shadow priest, so I know how to do it. I just don't like how much it's going to cost me to get rid of the Mastery this toon currently carries.
I hope that berserk at least keeps the removal of fear as an option. I use it in PvE and I would hate for another PvP fix to affect my PvE.
And I love PvP, don't get me wrong. But, this game is 90% PvE, and I like having that fear breaker when I need it.
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