I am currently a Balance Druid, but am interested in adding Cat as a secondary spec for Cataclysm.
My big question is...what is a standard rotation for kills? Mostly for Rated BGs, but maybe some Arena Play eventually...
Whats the big difference between PvE and PvP rotations?
PVP you are trying to fit in some situational CC's and such whereas unless the specific fight calls for it, you would just rip everything and squeeze in an FB every now and then.
Big thing, dont use and FB unless you can get the kill, always rip at 5 points and do your best to put as many dots on the target as possible. Generally I will stealth, stampede, pounce, ravage, mangle, rake, (if still not at 5 points get to 5 points) then rip. At that point, if you can stay behind your target try and shred as much as possible over mangle, but as you are learning it may be easier to just mangle till you get the hang of it. Other than those two make sure that you maintain rake and rip as much as possible. Of and squeeze FFF somewhere in there early on as it will not only just help you but also help others attacking the same target.
I would suggest for PVP you stick the two points into giving you an instant 3 stack FFF as you dont want to waiste precious globals trying to get the full debuff.
If you need to stun Maim is available and I would try to use that in there if you are going against a healer type class or trying to keep someone from running away. Generally I am able to do my first rotation to rip and then if its a healer my second rotation I will prob try to hit up a maim, If you are able to build point fast enough you should still have rip ticking and they will be sitting still eating all that high damage.
Also, you have predator swiftness, so make sure that you are using that to cast things like a heal, cyclone, or roots. Normally you dont want to get caught in caster form as you receive no damage reduction. (like when you are stunned in cat form you take 30% less damage... stunned in caster = screwed) So cast your instant cast spells and go back to kitty.
There are a bunch of tools and all are pretty useful so make use of them but the standard rotation for damage is pretty much similar to PVE.
A tip for melee classes is to make good use of kiting them, since you can put bleeds on them and then run away while they still take damage do so, casters hate it when you are in their face make good use of stampede and skull bash to keep the distance closed and skull bash when talented is pretty evil to casters.
Kitties still get 30% DR while stunned?
I know the talent was removed, so is it part of the specialization or something?
Zetliam is misinformed. Cat has no talent/specialization to reduce damage taken while stunned anymore. If we're still taking less damage while stunned, its a phantom talent or bug
oh, my mistake thanks for clearing that up. I forgot that was a big push with the new expansion, to practically get rid of all the damage reduction talents for pvp cases.
Zetliam is misinformed. Cat has no talent/specialization to reduce damage taken while stunned anymore. If we're still taking less damage while stunned, its a phantom talent or bug
Or barkskin? which is usable while stunned..
PVP has no rotation the skill comes into play knowing what moves to use when.
A rotation will not tell you to skullbash that flash of light
A rotation will not tell you when you should maim to break a heavy DPs off a healer.
Play, learn, find out what fits best for you.
Honestly bro, aside from your opening moves (from stealth), rotation doesn't really apply in PvP.
Honestly bro, aside from your opening moves (from stealth), rotation doesn't really apply in PvP.
This doesn't help at all. Although PvP IS all about situational awareness, there's still a basic form of feral rotation. You need to get the mangle on the target first to take advantage of the 30% increase to bleed damage. You also want to get a rake up before you shred to increase your shred damage. Making blanket comments that don't help the OP kinda makes the thread pointless.
rake, shred / mangle, rip, then kite away like a wuss and let the bleed does the rest and collect kill, so much skills involved for feral pvp
if you fail at cat pvp at this stage then you might as well roll mage for about same skill level mindset
BTW, this is incorrect. Get a mangle on the target first to increase bleed damage....looks like you need to roll a mage if you're taking your own advice.
Deleted by Palewínd
Greetings and (#)'s to all.
I am currently a Balance Druid, but am interested in adding Cat as a secondary spec for Cataclysm.
My big question is...what is a standard rotation for kills? Mostly for Rated BGs, but maybe some Arena Play eventually...
Whats the big difference between PvE and PvP rotations?
Cat pvp is feral charge - pounce - ravage - mangle - rake - rip - dead usually or close to it.
Glyph of Entangling Roots. You should not be blowing predatory swiftness on roots.
I only didnt mention this since there has been some discussion still on glyphs and such for ferals. Although I think I am starting to lean more toward grabbing this one over my current setup.
if you fail at cat pvp at this stage then you might as well roll mage for about same skill level mindset
Its still very easy to fail at cat pvp, bad spec, bad gemming, not knowing that mastery is so OP (which is kinda whats giving us the faceroll right now), plus I did mention that situation will dictate some of the other things you do, but if you are not focusing on anything other than damage or you have time to fit in all in, I was trying to give a rotation to focus in on. Not everything dies in two seconds in a BG btw, you still have to be smart about pallies, and all the other healer classes still will at least last past the nuke and will require a little extra to finish them off, hence the suggestion on the maim or skull bash to interrupt and keep them from casting.
This doesn't help at all. Although PvP IS all about situational awareness, there's still a basic form of feral rotation. You need to get the mangle on the target first to take advantage of the 30% increase to bleed damage. You also want to get a rake up before you shred to increase your shred damage. Making blanket comments that don't help the OP kinda makes the thread pointless.
Mangle already increases Shred's damage.
My opener on Warriors, Warlocks, Hunter, DKs, Paladins (providing they do not trinket and let me get my dots on)
Stealth -> Feral Charge -> Pounce -> Ravage -> Mangle -> Tigers Fury -> Rake -> Rip
Your dot will tick for maximum possible damage at that point, then shred for also maximum shred damage (squeeze a FFF in there)
Mages, Rogues require different approach which is highly dependent on the situation
you shouldn't feral charge before opening vs hunters.
Agreed, my bad, hunters, ele shammies i usually would save the FC.
FC:C > pounce > mangle > TF > ravage > rake > rip
I will have to test that out. Would the TF last long enough to get buffed rake and rip in that rotation?
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