Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bear AoE tanking macro?

I'm trying to create a simple AoE tanking macro that will let me push one button to Thrash, and if Thrash is on cooldown, press the same button to Swipe.

I thought a simple

/cast Thrash(Bear Form)
/cast Swipe(Bear Form)

would work, but it hasn't. anyone have any suggestions?

Use [mod] for one (ctrl, shift, alt, or any combo of those). You could setup a castsequence, but you'd most likely build a [mod] into that too because there are situations where you'll want to quickly switch to either skill when the sequence won't let you. Don't tank on cruise control, basically.

I happen to use an entire bar bound to Shift-# (with the bar below it bound to #), but if I didn't, the macro would look something like:

/cast [mod:shift] Thrash; Swipe(Bear Form)
Not saying it is smart, but I am using...

/castsequence reset=6 Thrash(Bear), Swipe(Bear)
/cast [btn:2] Maul

That way, I can thrash whenever it is off cooldown (for boss fights and such), spam it during trash, and if I right click instead of left click (mouse click tanking also not recommended), I can cast maul at the same time.

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