Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Been playin feral since time began.

(reposted this off arena forums, as while it is a massive arena issue it effects all druids. This change shakes my faith in god.)

Been playin feral since "feral" was getting innervate since EVERYONE got innervate cause the rest of our talents were fail.

I was the first feral druid in the world to get quicksilver ring. Those of you who remember this, you know what this means.

Been playin feral since hurricane was still 31 balance.

Been playin feral since 31 feral was something even *I* have forgotten.

Played feral for all vanilla raids. Yeah, I got high damage on a few fights. I had to work 2x as hard for the same output as other classes. It was hard, real hard.

In BC I played feral and got gladiator, AS FERAL, against the resto druids of the day. You know, the ones that healed 2x my damage just hopping back and forth casting all instants. It was hard, borderline impossibly hard.

Took a break during WotLK.

Now, during this expansion, cataclysm, we've finally become a viable specc and not just a joke and you introduce this NOT BREAKING SNARE SHENANIGANS ? What the HELL blizzard ? I helped you back when you didn't even make the feral talents. You remember ? Back when druids were the last class to get their level 70 talents cause you had no idea what to do ? Mangle ? That was me. That was LITERALLY my idea to you. It was me, I talked to your designers at the time.

What happened ? You nerfed our damage to meaningless in beta from cat, then nerfed bear form to do meaningless damage in a HOTFIX in BC. I dealt with it, I still pulled off a gladiator. I was the highest rated feral druid in the ENTIRE WORLD at the time. This is not me being egotistical, these are the facts.

You nerf our ability to shift out of snares and the specc is dead. I unsubscribe, I go play random games, maybe I pick up rift. Point is that feral PvP is dead. You will never see 1 feral druid at the high ranks, never again. This is it. You make this change and we are gone, cya. Any feral druid who has managed to do good will now be eliminated from play by any frost mage. Snare, and we're out of range. Our meager damage which is only held up by being able to stay on targets will be entirely void.

Now I've stayed with you through your silly changes this patch. Making our most powerful counter class (warlocks) even better against us by removing fear immune ? Whatever, I've dealt with it before I'll deal with it again. MAKING ANOTHER CLASS our COMPLETE counter ? No blizzard, just no. I've played your game, I've seen your damage charts, I've seen your ratings. Feral druids do not dominate. Even if you combine resto and feral and imagine them all as feral they STILL do not come up as the #1 class. To make a change of this magnitude means you have entirely lost sight of the game and wish feral to be removed from PvP entirely.

I'm just going to make this simple. You want PvP to stay a viable specc ? You remove this change, we all pretend you never thought of it. You want feral to be removed from PvP ? You make this change, you never see another feral druid at the high rankings again. We'll be gone, out of your hair. You can continue to have warriors, paladins, mages, and warlocks circle jerk each other and pretend that that means balance.

To the rest of you, do you honestly believe that this is somehow going to bring balance to ferals ? EVEN IF you think ferals are the #1 most OP class in the game you must imagine how this will impact us. We have to be on our target 100% of the time to do out damage. If warriors, mages, ect., can just root us that means our damage drops off. That means our damage on our targets goes from "good for a specc without MS" to, once again, "lol, feral." Maybe you don't want to see feral in PvP again, that's okay. It is, trust me. I know how you feel, I feel the same way about enhancement shamans. However, I respect their right to exist in PvP and I don't support changes to them that will remove them from competitive PvP entirely. I've never liked warriors, I hate them. I find them to be no brainer faceroll easy. However, if they came out tomorrow and said they were removing intercept and charge you better believe I'd be behind the movement to stop it. Removing a class from PvP is just stupid, and I hope everyone can realize this.

THIS DOES NOT BALANCE FERAL. This REMOVES IT. You're already doing us a good number by removing bear form's damage, lowering cat's damage, removing our ability to break snares.. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING ? Stop this MADNESS. This isn't madness, this is BLIND HATRED OF A SPECC.
It does need to be seen.
Honestly, Blizzard.
Whoever came up with this idea should be sacked.

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