So ive recently returned for Cata, and last time i played was before BC (Nilla i think its called) and i have a small problem.
Ive always run healers and tanks, and in that i mean Warriors, Priests and Shammies.
Currently im leveling this guy which is great fun, but im looking for an alt to break up the grind.
He needs to be a caster and have some healing versatility, and ive always admire dthe moonkin form (im a little weird, all my warrior friends say so).
Anyway, i know you guys will be biased but would i be better off rolling another shammy or just going for the druid? its only a lack of metal armour thats put me off in the past (i dont care much for cat dps my rogue got boring).
thanks guys.
Try druid, you can fill out all 4 roles so you can mix and match.
Can you really say you've always done something if you haven't done it in about 4 years <_< !?
Also, you got 8 characters slots on god knows how many servers there are now, so just try one out, can't hurt nothing to just go dabble around for a few hours. You can get to level 20 in about 2hrs or less with the new system.
Well, im not just oncluding WoW in that statement.
Ill roll a druid se how i go, and ive noticed the fast lvling too :O
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