Saturday, April 14, 2012

Feral or Fury?

[:1]So I've been leveling my warrior awhile and plan on going fury at 80. But I also want to level a feral druid because they look pretty darn fun and seem to be somewhat similar to an enhance shammy. So what I would like to know at 80 what is a more fun class to dps as, a feral druid or fury warrior? I don't care about numbers I'm mostly concerned about the fun factor. Please and thank you :)

Depends on what you like when fighting stuff.

Kitty its *meow* scratch! *hiss!* scratch bleed!

Fury is kidna like pew pew weee spin pew pew

In all seriousness tho between playing fury warrior and kitty I enjoyed them both about the same, though with kitty I can leap in the air going "wooosh!"
Hmmmm.........The woosh part sounds pretty awsome and the I like the sound of kittys going rawr.
While ive never played a fury I can tell you that feral is very nice The only downside Ive found is that morons dont understand that feral cats are competitive dps So if you can put up with the odd "DURH DRUID DPS IS MOONKIN STUPITS" Its fun
fury is a bit more button mashing, it's pretty fun though. feral has the perk of stealth, which lets you scout around in bgs.

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