Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kitty DPS Bleed Clipping?

[:1]What are the Cata changes to bleed clipping and bleeds in general, if any? Also, how does haste affect our bleeds?
Haste only affects our Energy Regen Rate, so 10% Haste is 11 Energy Gained instead of 10. This makes Haste our least worthy Stat, behind Mastery, Crit, and Hit/Exp. Bleed Clipping will take the next tick of the Current Bleed and add it to the front of the new set of Ticks, therefore you should try to refresh Rip/Rake before the last tick, but not before anymore than the Last. If you can manage to refresh your Rake/Rip in those last 2-3 Secs of the entire duration you will increase your DPS more than if you waited for the Bleed to fall off. Each "Last Tick Clip" as I put it will cut out those miliseconds of server lag in between where the existing Bleed fell.

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