ya in the past I actually enjoyed healing... funny enjoying a game and all but now not so much.
I am still in almost all crap gear so I know that will get better but how much? I would just like to know what was so wrong with the way it was, if they thought it was too powerful or something they should have taken it down a notch or two not change everything.
I am glad I am not on a RP world I would have a hard time explaining how in about a week I forgot to heal properly... maybe I got hit on the head by death wing, or a peon rebuilding Orgrimmar, dropped a hammer on my head.
"I don't understand it Togrush, all of sudden all my spells cost so much more mana then they used to, maybe I have madcow disease."
OP might want to consider putting more than 1 point in mana cost reduction talents, also, spending all those points in order to get an additional 6% on your hots is... interesting. go for 3/3 moonglow and don't worry so much about malf's gift and pick up nature's cure.
Rejuvs and every other heald . healed for more at 80 with 277 gear, how can it bem that at 85 with 333 gear im healing for less . lmao , next time hire a mathmatician with a degree blizz
It's not a matter of just a few minor changes. They deleted resto druid.
You can either quit or try, try again. A little gear and a little reading goes a long way towards being more powerful again.
Much is said about restoration druid PVE but in PVP is a garbage.
No mana, no heal. Only death on hold.
Thank you for ending my class Blizzard.
No more faceroll healing? Yeah, it takes work now. But it takes work for all classes. Shaman has some real trouble with group healing, although I expect with higher level gear/crit that will get easier.
I do think that the advice to keep WG on cooldown is not good for 5-man.
It doesn't cost the same as Nourish. It's expensive like HT/Regrow/Rejuv, only lasts 7 sec with 10s cooldown, and heals for more on the initial hot ticks. It's better used after 2+ DPS take damage to prime them for Symbiosis-powered heals
From my posts on the Healing forum:
Resto druids only need three things right now:
1) The +mount speed guild perk needs to work for flight form.
2) OoC should not consume swiftmend, but should consume WG and rejuv.
3) Using survey should automatically cancel form which don't allow it.
I've done every heroic, plus Halfus, the vault boss, and work on Omnitron. The raiding is 10man and 2healing (opposite a priest, he's been trying both specs).
In heroics, it's lifebloom and rejuv on the tank, mend basically on cooldown (unless you're saving it to use efflo on a gimmick), nourish as necessary. If they dip too low, an HT instead of nourish. Regrowth or HT on OoC procs, just if you want a faster heal or a bigger one--regrowth usually works better for me, but it does depend on the situation. Group healing is a mix of efflo, WG/(rejuv or nourish for a particularly low target), and regrowth/HT (followed also by rejuv or nourish, for a particularly low target) from OoC procs.
We've already cut way back on the CC we bother to use. I drink between a half dozen and 10 times a run, generally. If you get behind, tell your tank to use a cooldown, pop Broccoli and lifebloom everyone--with the ridiculous number of OoC procs you get, insta-regrowth anyone low. Bonus points for WG up first, so the lifeblooms get mastery. If you get really behind, tranq.
For (10man) raids, lifebloom/rejuv on tank A, rejuv on B and use OoC for regrowth on B when possible, for mastery. Mend either, preferably the one melee is near. Raid healing works the same way. If you want to deal with it, you can keep lifebloom rolling on both tanks by using nourish (or HT, but you shouldn't need it often) after getting the stacks up via Broccoli, but that cuts significantly into the time you can spend on the raid.
/cast [target=focus, exists, harm] Entangling Roots; Entangling Roots
/cast [target=focus, exists, harm] Hibernate; Hibernate
You can only use one at a time (that is, you can't use both if you're CCing two mobs in a pull), but they make life much easier otherwise.
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