Monday, April 16, 2012

Since I haven't seen one yet -- UI Thread

Since I haven't seen a UI thread for the new forums yet [And I wanted a reason to post something and enjoy the shiny new forums]

[Out of Combat/No Target]:
[In Raid-No Combat/No target]:
[In Raid-Combat/Target]:

Modified RealUI Package into what I wanted.
[*@%#ty Comp so in 25's I have to turn everything way down, apologize for the ugly graphics]
My very simple UI. I love it and don't care for much else. I used to be a BIG addon addict, running around 40mb's. Now I'm down to around 9mb.

Out of combat:

In combat:

I don't really have a good recent raid shot, but basically, the only difference is grid expands up and to the right.

hmm, just noticed the in combat is crap quality. I used photobucket to edit the realID friend's name out, and it shrunk the image by a lot. Lame.

Here's another in combat, with my starsurge poweraura.

Need to fix the godawful DBM timers, and find a better font.
This is how I DPS/Tank, thanks to this UI I've been able to achieve over 25000 CKs.
DPS layout:

Healer layout:
My current UI.

I use power auras for pretty much everything. The space in the middle of my bars is for my omen obviously and my dot timers, treant timers, starsurge timers etc that I use power auras for.

Bar mod is Dominoes. I have it set up they way I do because I'm using a Razer Naga. The block on the right is the binds for the key pad on my mouse.

I use the default raid frames along with clique since I don't really have to heal that much I don't need anything too fancy. I mostly use it to pass our innervates, thorns, and battle rezzes.

The eclipse bar I believe is call Eclipse Power Tracker or some such.

And of course Recount to track my performance.
Here is mine:

It's a heavily modified version of TukUI (Oosynt's Foof edit) with changes made by myself. I still need to see if I need to modify the raid/party frames for DPS/tank and healer and set up class timers. I use this on all my toons, but lately I've been strictly playing this druid of mine.


My UI has been pretty crappy looking since 4.0 dropped, but it works.
I was wondering if you guys could help me.

I am giving Power Auras a shot, but I must admit, I can't get it to work as I want to.

I can get the whole proc thing like Predator's Swiftness to work, but things like Mangle, Rake, etc, just debuffs, I can't get to work.

Do you guys have a script you could past or something that I could use, or if it's really easy and I'm just blind, give me a hand?

I was wondering if you guys could help me.

I am giving Power Auras a shot, but I must admit, I can't get it to work as I want to.

I can get the whole proc thing like Predator's Swiftness to work, but things like Mangle, Rake, etc, just debuffs, I can't get to work.

Do you guys have a script you could past or something that I could use, or if it's really easy and I'm just blind, give me a hand?

There is a drop down menu that is set to Buff by default. You need to change it to Debuff and then check the box "Cast By Me"

For Cooldowns and cooldown timers you'll want to select My Cooldown timer. For these you will have to check the 'cast by me' box.

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