Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Sorrow of a Broken Macro :(

[:1]When they first intorduced the new talent trees this worked:

#showtooltip Moonfire
/cast Moonfire

When 4.x.x came out it worked in Solar Eclipse, now it only works when not in an eclipse or in Lunar... has anyone figured out a fix for this or similar macros involving moonfire?

Put moonfire (just the spell, not in a macro) on another button. Then in your macro, replace

/cast Moonfire


/click MultiBarRightButton1 <-- replace with your MF button's name.

You can learn your button's name by putting the mouse over it and then (in one line)

/run local f = GetMouseFocus(); if f then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(f:GetName()) end

Your #showtooltip Moonfire will still show a dim Sunfire, but the macro will work.

Hope this helps.
Worked like a charm. Thank you.

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