Monday, April 16, 2012

Moonkin Threat?

K, I don't care too much for PvP, and when I do BG's I prefer to be resto anyway. I will say I LOVED instant roots, but I don't PvP enough for that to be a factor.
I do like that our mastery may be useful now, that's nice. However, with it as it is, I'm already up the tank's butt on threat. Nearly no matter who it is, it happens. I could blame a couple nice chained crits. But I was hoping for some type of a move where we could reduce threat short of shifting into cat, getting into melee, and cowering for a small threat reduction. It seems most of it is stopping my attacking to do all of that is reduces my threat anyway. (I don't know if it even works like I'd expect, but it beats just standing there) Other than that I might be missing something, any other Moonkins having this problem? If so, how do you handle it?

I mean there's been plenty of fights where I'm doing the same dps and damage as other classes, then I have to stop to reduce aggro. Whereas they can continue to pound away without much problem. I know the 4 straight dps classes have threat reduction spells. But even DKs, warriors, etc. They don't seem to have the same issue.

I'm very much looking forward to new balance changes but hopefully it doesn't make my problem worse.
Is the tank setting a kill order? If not, I usually have the tank set to /focus and I follow their target. If I see they are constantly tab targetting (which I don't follow often) I just follow their target. The only time I pull off is when I'm hitting their OT. If the tank has set a kill order and they aren't trying to hold most of their threat on the current primary kill target, then that's their issue.
This is mostly on bosses, that I have the biggest problem. On trash it'll happen here and there, that I understand.
If it's a boss, then the tank is doing something wrong.
Just to be safe, I always let the tank get multiple debuffs on and allow other DPS to start before even applying DoTs.
With that, you shouldn't be top threat. There is really nothing you can do if you're giving the tank a head start on threat. This just mean the tank needs to figure out how to bring up their threat.

Which reminds me, if you're catching a paladin using Seal of Insight (chance to heal with each melee attack seal I believe), slap em. Kind of late so can't really think of the seals and what all they do but I believe it's Seal of Righteous and Truth (one of them being the one that stacks up to 5xs) that they should be using and please correct a paladin tank kindly. Try to do some basic research on what tanks should have on as far as their self buffs and other basic things they should do. This way you can help them correct their error and just direct them to whatever guide to help them later on.
I have the same problem on occasion. The only way I can do anything about it is Shadowmeld, to give the tank time to pick up on the threat before I get the dropped threat back.

Pretty much every fight I'm either just under or just over the tank on threat, but usually on par with what the other dps are putting out. I'd kill for some threat reduction in the talent tree.

But seeing as how your horde, best advice I can give is barkskin and stop attacking for a bit.
I have the same issue and it's with literally every tank I've ever been in a heroic with. My husband is a tank, so I learned pretty early on to wait for tanks to get aggro before unloading. I'll usually wait for the boss to be wherever it'll be tanked and watch it's debuffs to be sure the tank has him. I throw my dots out first to get a feel for where I am on omen. If I'm really lucky, I won't crit for my first few spells. It doesn't matter what I do though, how long I wait, nothing. I will climb threat. I will end up standing around staring at omen wondering wtf went wrong this time. I even have the reduced threat meta gem. I can't figure it out. *shrug* As long as stuff dies. I don't have this problem in raids. (Which are tanked by the two tanks I most frequently run heroics with.)

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