Monday, April 16, 2012

The Appeal of Bear Tanks?

So I've decided to spend the upcoming weeks before cataclysm getting 3 or so characters ready to perform the three roles: tank, heal, and damage. When I looked at picking a tanking class, I looked at what is appealing about each of them.

To me, what sets a warrior tank apart from the rest is the Warbringer talent. For a paladin, Avenger Shield. For a DK, it's deseases, DnD, and self heals that make them unique.

Then I got to Druids. I couldn't think of anything a Druid tank does that makes me think "Wow I want to go with them. That ability is just too cool/fun to do without." The only ability I can think of was the old Swipe and how great it was for AoE tanking (at least at lower levels in my experience). But that mechanic is gone now and there's a cooldown right?

Maybe I don't know enough about the spec but I really can't see why you'd rather tank as a Druid instead of a warrior.
You are essentially punching mobs in the face while tanking.
It doesn't get much better than that.
Being a bear with a big black ass was my reasoning for being a feral tank. I love it.
I think bear tanks take a certain humor to play.

A family member was a lowbie bear tank and asked advice of an 80. The guy said Rule one : If someone does /dance with you and you are not in combat you must /dance. Rule Two: You art a bear you must bounce. Its the law. Then the fellow went on to explain bear tanking in detail.

That said I have to say that when I enter a dungeon and I see a well geared bear tank a huge amount of stress just melts out of me. I have only EVER run into one really BAD bear tank. Most have been absolutely awesome!
Well my DK tank is diseaseless right now too but I doubt blizzard will leave it like that. Diseases define the class. As far as I'm concerned a diseaseless spec is broken and in need of fixing.
thorns, pull a huge grouping and watch as they all die when you swipe.
Because you're a bear?

It is itself, in fact, the ability too cool to do without for a Druid tank.
Dude. You turn into a bear.

How is that not enough incentive?
giving everyone in your raid health when they crit.

Much to my sadness, LoTP only heals the druid now.
Actually being a bear is something I would kinda chalk up as a con when trying to figure out what my tank will be. Something enjoyable about this game is seeing your character gear up over time. Bear Druids will always just look the same.

It's not a deal breaker for me but I came here hoping bear tanking has some redeeming hidden quality that makes up for not seeing your gear ever. But if what I consider a con is just about the only thing you guys think is appealing about bear tanking, then I guess it won't happen for me.

I hope the bear tanks out there experience compelling tank gameplay at some point.
Actually being a bear is something I would kinda chalk up as a con when trying to figure out what my tank will be. Something enjoyable about this game is seeing your character gear up over time. Bear Druids will always just look the same.

It's not a deal breaker for me but I came here hoping bear tanking has some redeeming hidden quality that makes up for not seeing your gear ever. But if what I consider a con is just about the only thing you guys think is appealing about bear tanking, then I guess it won't happen for me.

I hope the bear tanks out there experience compelling tank gameplay at some point.

I feel the opposite. I think being a bear and showing no gear at all is a great, great quality. Honestly, I don't give a crap about gear when I'm tanking. That's just me. Gear doesn't make tanking compelling to me. Being a druid tank is much more compelling to me than any other kind. It's the only kind of tanking that I've found fun.
Bear tanks have a whole lot of crit. Pallies and DKs have like 10%, warriors do a lot but only with a few abilities and for crap damage. For me that's what makes druid tanking more fun than the other classes.

Of course, not seeing your gear kinda blows, but...

That is all.
You get to see sexy bear butts :D

Bear tanks have a whole lot of crit. Pallies and DKs have like 10%, warriors do a lot but only with a few abilities and for crap damage. For me that's what makes druid tanking more fun than the other classes.

Of course, not seeing your gear kinda blows, but...

Instead of reading up on abilities and thinking "Oh that one ability sounds cool." Don't you should just play all the tanks and decide what one you like the most? You might find that you enjoy the sum of all the parts of one tanking class over that one cool ability that another has.

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