Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Any solo-Raiding guides out there for Feral?

Im looking to do some old-school raids before Cata launch especially ZG. I was wondering if there were any guides on how to solo Vanilla raids? Im relatively new to feral tanking(only done mostly heroics and Naxx) and Ive only seen these raids like once or twice.
At this point you can pretty much just blow everything up. ZG is easily soloable in bear (other than Bat boss cause of heal) Just charge in there and pwn everything lol. (Some 40 mans may be hard not sure but 20 mans are cake)
Im looking to do some old-school raids before Cata launch especially ZG. I was wondering if there were any guides on how to solo Vanilla raids? Im relatively new to feral tanking(only done mostly heroics and Naxx) and Ive only seen these raids like once or twice.

It really depends on what type of gear you are wearing. If you have mostly 264 gear, you really do not need to bear tank anything in ZG. Your cat will destroy the boss and any adds they might spawn by itself. You may need to pop an instant HT on occasion but that's it

Target boss, bleed bleed bleed with a mangle up and you have dead boss..
For ZG, there are only 2 bosses you care about, with maybe 2 other objectives.

Raptor mount boss - he's easy, as long as you have 40k health and a high enough crit rate to proc the Leader of the Pack heals.

Tiger mount boss - make a focus target macro so that you can skull bash the priest whenever she heals. Always make sure you have enough rage to skull bash. Turn on enemy health plates, and try to keep all 3 mini-bosses at the same health. Save up berserk, enrage, and pool up 100 rage when you are getting close to killing one of the mini-bosses, so that you can make sure the other mini-bosses die within 10 seconds.

Polymorph turtle boss - the statue where you summon him has a little overhang. If you stand directly under the overhang, it prevents you from being able to jump up, which means that the boss cannot throw you up in the air either. It's much faster than tanking in the water.

Pet - there are around 30 raptor trash mobs that drop the pet. About half are in the raptor boss area, half are in the room right outside the raptor boss area, and 1 patrols the path by the river (I usually ignore this one). They all respawn every 20 minutes, even if the raptor boss is dead, as long as nobody is in the instance.

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