Saturday, April 14, 2012

Reponse to the druid nerfs:

[:1]As a result of the recent PTR nerfs, and after I cried myself a glass of tears, I sat back and thought about the positive side of these nerfs. My glass is nearly full now, so it was easy.

Berserk nerf: Not much of a positive side, but I imagine CC immunities across the board will follow suit.

Roots nerf: Now that we lost our instant CC, I fully expect Moonkins to gain a new talent to replace instant roots. If my first thought doesn't follow through, all roots/snares should gain a 1.5 second cast time across the board.

Shapeshifting nerf: Now that we can no longer shapeshift out of roots, our shapeshifting should go on a separate CD, just like warrior stances. This was the original reason given by the blues as to why we didn't have our shifting on a separate CD.

'Scuse me now, gotta hurry and rock my mage up to 85.

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