Saturday, April 14, 2012

WTB swipe spam back plz!

[:1]yea, so according to the Q&A session at Blizzcon 2010, it was stated that druid tanks were never meant to be AOE tanks. which confuses me becuase, pre-wrath, swipe had no cooldown, but only hit 3 targets. Now, if bears were NEVER meant to be AOE tanks, why on earth would blizzard switch swipe so there was no cooldown AND hit all mobs in a 360 degree radius when wrath came out? just to get our hopes up, and take that away from us.

Because bears were not meant to be aoe tanks. You just answered your own question.
<blockquote>Tab Target and Let DPS that AoE die. Blizzard wants CC not AoE.

From Sapperwix (Quality Assurance)

Thanks for all your reports on this folks.
We've ran the numbers with as much diligence as many of you have shown and the damage you're seeing is intended. The tooltip is currently incorrect and will be fixed in an upcoming patch to better match the damage.

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