Monday, April 16, 2012

Are you going to roll a second druid?

I was just curious. I know it may sound ridiculous to some, but I wonder how many people will roll a second druid (Troll/Worgen) at the Shattering?

You could basically cover every aspect of the druid here. Tree, Moonkin, Bear, and Cat.

What about you? Are you rolling another druid?
I'm going to roll a second one as a lvl 1 when Shattering hits just so I can experience the new Troll starting area, but then probably delete it. I have 3 priests though! :P
omg 3 priests!
I know plenty of people who are rolling, or have already rolled another of their same classes just for the race/faction stuff.

Others for multiple raiding.

I might roll a worgen druid just to have one on alliance as well as horde.
Yes I'm a Night Elf Moonkin and I'll be rolling a Troll Cat/Bear.
I currently have a druid that used to be just cat form for DPS. I recently changed it to healing and tanking. It would be cool to have a Tauren as Healing/Moonkin and a Troll for Cat/Bear.

Sweet. Glad I'm not alone!
IMO NE is for Bare. War-Gun will be for Kitty.

I will lvl a War-Gun for Kitty (PvE/PvP) and keep my NE as Bare & for herbing (DE'ing)

I have a character spot waiting for a worgen druid that will be made as soon as cata hits...I've still got all my boa gear too. ^-^
Already have two, will likely reroll a third (maybe even fourth) on a new server. The only reason I haven't yet is that all my friends play Alliance on this one server, and I'm not inclined to start from scratch :P
I am for sure rolling a second Druid. My boyfriend and I are going to get a fresh taste of the leveling experience. We decided to go with a pair of Worgen Druids because they are such a versatile class. I love the cat form. Studded collar ftw!
I'll prob end up doing Troll and Worgen, I like Troll cat forms and I want an alliance character and figured I gotta go with a Worgen. I made end up deleting my level 70 warrior to do it cause I'm running out of character slots :(
I know a pally that used to have 4 pallies. I don't think I could ever roll another druid though. Too much time invested on this one. :)
I'm thinking about rolling a Troll Druid for the Feral spec and going through the low level BGs again.
I know a pally that used to have 4 pallies. I don't think I could ever roll another druid though. Too much time invested on this one. :)

I'm assuming one for each spec and another for PvP. That's insane. Thank God for dual spec or I'd have all druids too. Haha.
Yep, definitely. I'm not paying to race change. xD I'm just a casual player and am used to going where the friends go, which sometimes means frequent rerolling. I've leveled druids at least ten times previously as a result, so I'm pretty used to it by now. xD Plus I think it'll be refreshing this time around. Starting a new alt in new content with a new race, and with the boyfriend too. Should be fun. o:
already started my second druid.
More like rolling a fifth Druid...
It'll be my 3rd. I count my level 50-ish tauren druid as my second, even though I abandoned it during Burning Crusade.

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